Friday, February 25, 2011


With every success comes failure. At least that is the way it is looking around here...

Once I got my halters figured out and under control, bridles are now proving to be a problem. I started my first one yesterday. My pounce wheel does not like me. I can't figure out how to practice with it without just ruining a bunch of leather lace. But, I definitely need some practice. Then, even though I KNOW where the buckles go on a bridle, somehow when I was attaching the headstall to my noseband, it got twisted around! So now my stitching is messy and my noseband buckle goes the wrong way. I haven't decided if I want to give up and start over or just go with it and use this bridle for practice. Either way, hopefully I will have a nice, correctly finished one soon!


  1. Would it be possible to practice on index cards? They'll have some of the same "give" that lace does. Or you could pick up a bag of scrap at hobby lobby. It's $5 or $6 a bag. Most of it wouldn't be very good for making saddles or bridles, but it should do just fine for playing with the pounce wheel.

    One more thing you could experiment with...using a metal edged ruler to keep your pounce lines straight. I don't know how it would interact with the pounce wheel, I'd test it but I don't have one.

  2. Good ideas, Anna!

    And pffft...if you want to feel better, take a look at my first english bridle ;). You have talent, girl!

  3. Anna- I liked your idea with index cards! It helped me realize that I was holding the pounce wheel at an angel which was causing my line to not be straight! And picking up some scrap leather sounds like a good idea too! I did try the ruler, but it doesn't work so well because the leather is so thin! But great ideas, thanks!

    Becca- I have seen your first bridle...It's great! AND you cut your own leather. That is skill.
