Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's Goin' On?

Many of you probably think I have fallen of the face of the earth. I actually haven't, but things have been crazy lately!

First of all, Stephen and I bought a horse trailer! Yippee! Now we can take Sonny for trail rides, sleep overs, and come and go as we please.

It is small and old, but it will get the job done. My last trailer was huge (extra wide and extra tall for my warmbloods), brand new, and all aluminium. My new trailer doesn't compare to that one, but it is still better than nothing!

Overall it's a nice trailer. Good solid floor, nice tires, etc. It just needs some cosmetic work! Like a fresh coat of paint this winter ;).

Along with that, I just found out yesterday (completely out of the blue, no warning at all) that the owners of the farm that Sonny lives on are moving. Which means he has to have a new home in thirty days. So, the hunt is on! I have a few options, and he can always stay in Stephen's pasture. So he won't be homeless, I am just hoping that I can find a nice barn that is close to home. Being kicked out is never fun!

Things are going to be a bit crazy now with the move and getting Sonny situated, but I will try to be on here as much as possible!


  1. Congrats on the new trailer. And I wish you luck finding a new place for Sonny. I know what a pain it can be to find a new place to board and have to adjust to the new set-up. Then again I hate change, so make of that what you will. Good luck.

  2. wow!!! thats a really flash horse float compaired to ours, same ugly green (sorry, no offence if you like it, i think ours looks darn hideous that colour!)
    love the wood inside it! very vintage looking!!

    all the best in finding a new place for Sonny to live :)
    i hate it when you get news that you have to move horses in less than a month, we were told we had to move my pony by the week after one time!! not cool at all!!! lucky we had somewhere she could go pretty much immediately.

  3. Thanks so much!

    Haha Kimset, I definitely don't like the color either! It is going to be painted this winter ;).
