Monday, February 21, 2011

1,000 Pageviews = Contest?

1,000 Pageviews? Wow, you guys are good! For only having my blog up for a little over a month, that is at least 20 views a day!

In order to show my appreciation of your support, I may be giving some halters away... ;).

If you saw my post from yesterday, I will have lots of horse show pictures coming soon! Unfortunately, I found out my new camera does not like the indoors. Some pictures are blurry or dark or both, so it may take me a mintute to go through all 700 of them and pick our the good ones. But, I promise those will be coming soon!

In the meantime, here is me at age 7 with my very first horse, Velvet, a PMU rescue! I had him from a few months old (we still had to feed him milk 3 times a day!) until he was about 3 or 4 years old. I knew nothing about horses when I picked him out. At the time I had been riding for about 2 years, but was only learning how to ride, not any horse education. I bought him because he would be black and he sure was. He was so big and beatiful and had such a great heart. To let me run around his legs and climb over his back and walk him around like a dog...that took patience from a foal his age. When he turned three we took him to an old trainer down the road who said told me he was a Tennesse Walker and would never ride like I wanted to. Since I was only allowed to have one horse at a time, we sold him. Looking back now, I really wish I would have kept him. He was such a great horse; so very special.


  1. Aw, Velvet was lucky to have you. I wonder what became of him.

  2. An adorable picture. He was very lucky to live with you !

  3. Thanks so much :). There will be more pictures of him to come!

  4. what a cutie pie pony!!! Velvet is georgeous!!! lucky too!!

    you should do a comp! that would be so much fun, maybe a photo one?? that would be neat, with some kind of theme....

    love your halters too!!! especially the purple on you had on MH$P....i wanted it for a portrait to be of a horse i'm meant to be getting!!

    keep up the GREAT work!! i enjoy reading your blog!! you should follow mine (

