Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First "Nylon" Halters

Happy February! I have now survived my first month of blogging and my first two "nylon" halters!

After working with the leather, I figured that the ribbon would be much easier. Wrong. It was not easier; it was hard enough in its own way.

The glue wouldn’t stick, it was a paint to measure, the ends kept fraying, and it never stopped! But, I worked through it and have come up with some decent ideas on how to solve my problems. Use extra thick glue, small clothes pins to hold the ribbon together while it dries, find a better way of measure, and use my small scissors that I use for cutting hardware to cut the ribbon.

Now that I have all that figured out, I am excited to try another! In the meantime, here are my first two.

This one first a lot better than my first, but it still needs work. The two things (besides the color!) that I love about the ribbon is that it is cheap and easy to fix. If something isn't the right length, it isn't hard to cut it off and try again. Which is probably what I should do with these two.


  1. Congrats on a good first month!

    Personally I find the grosgrain ribbon *very* difficult to work with. Leather is much easier!

  2. Nice! Clamping the tabs with the flat part of your pliers first makes gluing A LOT easier. (like you would do with leather, if that makes sense?) Also, a bit of Fray Check on the ends will help keep the ribbon from fraying. You can find it at craft stores and walmart I believe... great stuff! :D

  3. :D You don't need Fray Check--just a candle or a lighter! You have to be careful to get it right, but if you get good at it you can just very slightly burn the ends and it stops fraying.

    I like the cheek part on the second. :)

  4. thanks everyone! I will look into those suggestions! :)
