Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Goal

It has come to my attention that my new hobby has turned me into a horribly disorganized and messy person. I finally got the chance to clean things up :). Therefore ky new goal: stay clean and organized! Every time I sliver something I need to throw away the remains...or put back extra leather...or tools...or hardware. I need to get more drawers, but for now I'm content with the way things are. Let's hope I can keep it that way!

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  1. Hi Nick! :P

    I like the drawers--very organized!

  2. Oh gosh, if I had a quarter for every time I told myself that I'd be rich! It's so, so hard to keep things clean especially with little bits of leather all over the place. I have gotten a lot better about tidying up periodically but I am always losing my tweezers or scissors or sharp-poky-sculpting-tool. I like how deep your desk is though! Color me jealous ;)

  3. Part of my messiness comes from me not being able to throw away tiny scraps because I always think I will be able to use them for something else. I just can bring myself to throw anything away. I got some drawers and then I piled everything on top of them. It's pretty bad, and I probably won't do anything about it... at least until spring or summer breaks...
