Sunday, April 17, 2011

EA 2011 (4) - Wrap Up

Overall, everything about Equine Affair this year was wonderful. I got to see some great friends, including miss Joyce Savage and one of my very first trainers! Along with some beautiful horses, great performances, and LOTS of shopping!

Speaking of shopping:

Here is the $35 blanket I got Sonny. Doesn't he look so good in it?

I think I mentioned it in the Texas Thunder post, but Saturday night I went to Fantasia. Fantasia is a event where you have a ton of different riders and horses with a bunch of different skills. Every year the Canadian Cowgirls drill team is there, along with some trick riders and Tommy Turvey showed up there for a few years. There is almost always a dressage act and a reining one. Along with those, there was a lady who did liberty with mini horses and some really neat driving acts!

There were also trick horses this year. Usually trick horses are pretty cheesey and I am not very interested. But this was totally different. Unfortunately, I can't recall his name, but he did such a good job! He had three horses. What made the act so cute was that the three horses weren't all one color and looking the same like most acts, but they were all different shapes and sizes! They had the best personalities, were so playful, and really liked what they were doing. Because of that, it turned out to be a really cute show!

Well, that's it for the Equine Affair pictures! Hope you enjoy!

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