Monday, April 11, 2011

Equine Affair 2011 (1)

I had such an amazing weekend! and it wasn't because I didn't do any school stuff or work either. Okay, so maybe that was part of it ;).

All day Saturday my boyfriend and I spent that day at Equine Affair! I haven't been in a few years and had a really great time! We woke up super early, and got there at 8 A.M. in order to get a Steppin' Out. He is gorgeous (and for sale!)

I also got some pictures of the other breyers at the table.


Hansel and Gretel


Once Upon a Time

Wish On a Star

After Steppin' Out was safely in my car, the shopping began. For some reason I had the idea that at things like Equine Affair and Congress prices were always higher than normal. At least at Equine Affair, this is not the case.

My big buy of the day was a medium weight turnout blanket for $35!! Can you believe that? It actually looks pretty decent, too! I am so excited about it. I will definitely post pictures when I get the chance to try it on Sonny.

I also bought a new pitchfork ($10), a new bottle of MTG ($12), a really nice pair of blue sport medicine boots ($35!!), and a cute T-Shirt ($17) that fits Sonny and I to a T (no pun intended). Admission was $28 for the both of us and parking was $6. Not including Steppin' Out, I think I got a lot for the money I spent! YAY :).

After shopping was over I did get a chance to see some horses. Here are some of the random pictures I have:

The new breyer horse Black Tie Affair. This guy was so old and cute!

Padre, a really cool Mustang Stallion. You can read more about him here.

A really neat looking pinto in the Jumper clinic we watched.

Last but definitely not least was maybe one of my favorite horses of the show! This is Iona Farm's To Bee or Not To Bee. Isn't he just adorable? He had two blue eyes and the cutest personality. He is for sale and I wanted to take him home with me so badly :(.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing all these pictures. I have been dying to see some additional shots of the Breyerfest Special Runs. And I love that blue roan. He's gorgeous.

  2. Nice pictures!

    And wow, Once Upon a Time is really growing on me :D

  3. Me too, Becca! He is really neat! But, I think I am going to get Jasmine!
