Tuesday, April 12, 2011

EA 2011 (2) - Drafts, Friesians, and Haflingers

For some reason, we saw a lot of "hairy" horses on Saturday.

First up was the Friesian demo. Oddly, I am not a huge fan of the breed, but there were a ton present at the show. I will admit, there were a couple that caught my eye.

The breed demo showcased a variety of Friesians. There were four or five doing dressage, but plenty of them were dressed up, too. There was one pulling a cart and one set was "Riding and Driving".

Next we got the chance to see the Clydesdales. WOW! What a site! I haven't been around many drafts before, let alone up close to a big hitch like this one. I may have gotten a little excited and taken an excess amount of pictures, but you can never have too many!

They all had such gorgeous faces and I was very intrigued by their harnesses. Unfortunately, I just missed taking a shot when the guy had a hoof lifted. Darn! It was such a cool shoe.

Here is a quick video I took. I am not sure why it is so blurry? I have an HD camera with an HD card; it looks fine on my computer and horrible when I upload it to youtube! Sorry about the quality!

I managed to snap a few photos of this big guy in the warm-up arena. Wintersong, anyone? His face markings were really neat; I wish I would have been able to get closer shot!

We watched the Haflingers in the warm up arena for a pretty long time, but it never occured to me to take pictures! I did get a few before they went on to present. There were so many, specializing in dressage, hunseat, jumper, western pleasure, reining, and more! There was one dark Haflinger, but for the most part they all looked the same.

I think that is it for the pictures of Equine Affair! I will be posting some about Fantasia tomorrow!


  1. I myself have a Haflinger! I was at that show too! His name is Nelson Willie JEMS!! That would be cool if you saw me! =)

    1. Ha ha! I just read and that was at the Equine Affair! I just recognized the place=)
